
It is the aim of the Web Site to discuss and present on-going aspects and developments in Radiopharmacy by Hans-Jürgen Machulla, PhD, University Professor for Radiopharmacy at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. In Europe, it was the first Professor position for the field and supported by the Volkswagen Foundation financially for cyclotron, radioanalytic equipment and technical staff positions. In addition, building for cyclotron, radiochemical laboratories and PET scanner were funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg and the University. In 1992, the PET Center started with development, evaluation and routine production (GMP) of radiopharmaceuticals for direct clinical applications.

This site is to give an introduction into the field and, most importantly, will emphasize recent developments and perspectives in the medical application of various radiopharmaceuticals used as tracers in diagnostics and therapy.