Category Archives: Radionuclides

Drug development and carbon-11

Summary of the properties of carbon-11 founding the unique role in drug development

At the meeting of the German Society of Chemistry (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker [GdCh]) in Berlin from 10 to 14 September 2017, Ehab Al-Momani and I will present a poster about the unique role of Carbon-11 in drug research, as it is practically completely neglected on the international level.

The poster will be introduced in a session by two slides emphasizing the properties of carbon-11 founding the unique features of this radionuclide in the field of drug development.

You can download the poster and the slides (PDF) from the link below or by clicking on the images to the left.
Poster Carbon 11 The unique yet neglected radionnuclide (Wissenschaftsforum Chemie 2017).

The unique role of carbon-11 in the field of pharmaceutical research and development of new drugs.

Preview of the poster, click to view PDF


Labeling with radiometals or Al18F2+

Radiometalation by gallium-68, copper-64 or zirconium-89 in chelating complexes attached to peptides or proteins make use of high specificity and selectivity of those compounds with the outstanding advantage of application in therapy just by taking a different radionuclide appropriate for therapy such as yttrium- 90 or Lutetium-177.

A recent very important alternative is the labeling with Al18F2+. The surprising feature is the fact that this compound was found to exhibit the property of a radiometal. Therefore, the advantages of fluorine-18 longer half-life (110 min) instead of 68 min in case of gallium, lower positron energy (0.65 MeV vs. 1.9 MeV (68Ga)) resulting in best imaging quality are combined with those of complex formation which keeps the alternative application for therapeutic use by using a different radionuclide. Continue reading